1) The best way to change your life always starts from changing your way of thinking and your attitude.
2) The best way to attain happiness is none other than giving.
3) The best way to earn a good friend, to whom you can reveal your true self all the time is to put down the mask and be yourself.
4) The best way to build trust is to always honor your promise.
5) The best way to time management is to prioritize important and urgent task first.
6) The best way to cope with procrastination is to keep reminding yourself that life is too short.
7) The best ways to keep fit is always healthy diet and exercise.
8) The 3 best ways to be really good in anything you want is to practice, practice and practice.
9) The 3 fastest way to learn something is to get a mentor, to read books, and to get your hands dirty.
10) The best and only way to achieve success is to take action, massive action.
11) The best way to push yourself to take massive action is to visualize how such action will have a profound impact in your life.
12) The best way to keep someone you love with you is to love them more each day.
13) The best way to understand what people want and need is to listen.
14) The best way to communicate is to listen first before you talk.
15) The best way to pinpoint your passion is to allow yourself wandering in the library and then see which section draws all your attention quietly.
16) The best way to make people remember you is to first remember their names.
17) The best way to make people feel that you’re friendly is to smile.
18) The best way to earn respect and love is to respect and love yourself first.
19) The best and only way to be extraordinary is daring to be different.
20) The best way to regain confidence in life is to watch how other little giants make impossible possible.
21) The best way to avoid regrets is to always give your best shot. Even if it doesn’t work out as you have expected, you know you have done your best.
22) The best way to reduce stress is to avoid procrastination.
23) The best way to stop worrying is to just stop worrying. Worrying does not change a thing.
24) The best way to control your anger is to stop looking at small matters with a magnifying glass.
25) The best way to know whether if there’s improvement is to keep track of your progress.
26) The best way to handle stress is to put it behind you and let it push you forward, not in front of you and be your obstacle.
27) The best way to achieve great success is to understand that great success is not a point but a long journey. As long as you achieve all the little successes along the way, great success will take care of itself.
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[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://inspirationboost.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ds-profile-pic3.png[/author_image] [author_info]Darren Chow writes at www.InspirationBoost.com. He truly believes that positivity is contagious, so does your smile. Thus, he founded Inspiration Boost with a core vision: to spread inspiration to as many people as possible. [/author_info] [/author]
the best thing happened to me was IB. I love IB. Thanks to Darren Chow
Hi Preyassi, your words make my day!
Thanks for supporting IB all along the way yeah =)
Hello Darren,
Thanks for this wonderful thoughts, ideas and guiding principle. Really inspiring.
Hi Rowell Jarin,
I have learnt some of the simple things above the hard way. So, I was thinking, why not just share it out with everyone.
I’m really glad you found it useful.